Our story begins in the city of Los Angeles

Family Owned & Operated Car Wash
As a family-owned-and-operated business in Los Angeles County, Spot Free Car Wash is dedicated to providing quality customer service and clean cars at a great value. We offer convenient hours at locations throughout Los Angeles, express service, and monthly unlimited wash plans.
Eco-Friendly to the LA Environment
Water is a precious resource here in Southern California, and we take our use of it seriously.
At Spot Free Car Wash, we have a state-of-the-art water reclamation system that captures, recycles, and reapplies nearly 80 percent of the water we use on your vehicle. We also use soaps and chemicals that are not only gentle on your car, but also gentle on our environment.
We take the time, trouble, and expense to pump out our central collection pits every few months, to make sure any solid dirt and grime doesn’t go into the community sewer system. Then, we transport this solid waste to a treatment facility where it can be broken down to reduce its impact on our environment.